Nuffnang Malaysia

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Taadaaaaa !!
5 more days to go !!
Whats that??
Hmmm... ... ... ... SSSssssshhhhhh
U will know on that day Wahahahaaaa XD

I know u're super duper tired on this few days
somemore feeling not very well timmm
Worrying about u T.T
Must drinks more and more water
And !!! Must EAT !!!
U know ur kidneys got problem, pleasSSSSSeee!!
It will getting worse if u never take good care of it
Don't simply think its SMALL case okay???

Everything I could do for u
I had tried my best to do
I will be always beside u
Don't worry my dear
I love u forever and ever
muackzzzzzz ^^

remember 15.03.2011 ohh
ngek ngekkkk ;D

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A day that never be Forgotten =(


Yesterday is u leave my NINTH year =(
I'll be never forget this date although its womens' day
U had leave me without noticed me
Do u know that I really don't wanna let u go?
I know its impossible to stopping let u go
I'm not willing to let u goooooooo !

When that moment u closed ur eyes,
my heart's bleeding
My tears are streaming down T.T
Out of control !!
Everytime I thinked about this,
will starts to

I'm missin' u
Did u heard me??

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I'm your lady and you're my man..
U heard me?
I will always by your side,
don't worry and be happy =)

Pee Boon Chung

I love you