Nuffnang Malaysia

Monday, December 19, 2011

Shopping KAKIss

Helloooo.. It's me again !
Hmmmm... today will not introduce MOVIE,
but is girls' LOVES XD
Movie will only intro on weekends because u all will be free on that day I thinkkkkk .

So for the normal day,
I will introduces some VERYYY NICEEE geh clothes/bags even the most important ----> CHEAP !
As we all know it that Christmas & CNY are coming soon,
It's the time for every GIRLS go for SHOPPINGGGG !!
But went for shopping mall/centre on weekends/public holidays will be the most BORING incident happened -----> TRAFFIC JAM JAMM JAMME JAMMEDDDD
Sienz jorr lorr ?? o.O

So I preferred to stays at home and see through online
but I NEVER buy anything through internet lar, just have some looks jekk XD

Okie larr, don't talk tooooo muchh.. Let's get it started nowwww~~~~

KOREAN oblique bandage piece pants (black/orange pink)
RM 18.50
but I likes the orange pink oneee ;)

CASUAL long irregular collar cardigan (black/beige)
RM 25.00
hou yao yenggg yaa !

STRAPLESS lace dress (pink/black/white)
RM 23.00

SWEETHEART long dress (red/black)
RM 25.00
looks soooo FAMILIAR geh ??
like I saw it at TS ??

But BLACK colour also not bad !
or just because of the MODEL ?

COUPLES sided zipper hooded cardigan sweater
RM 90.00
2 for RM 90, ok ok lurrrr~~~ HEHEE

Oopssss... it's toooo LATE jorr~~
I gonna go for bed norr,
Sooooo sleepy jorr....
Good night yaa ~ ZzzzZzzzzzz

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